


Letters Country Followed by
3A Monaco three letters
3B Mauritius three letters
3C Equatorial Guinea three letters
3D Swaziland three letters
3X Guinea three letters
4K Azerbaijan 5 or 3 figures or 2 letters & 2 figures e.g. 4K-85329, 4K-727 or 4KAZ17
4L Georgia followed by several numbers
4R Sri Lanka three letters
4X Israel three letters
5A Libya three letters
5B Cyprus three letters e.g. 5B-DAR
5H Tanzania three letters
5N Nigeria three letters
5R Madagascar three letters
5T Mauritania three letters
5U Niger three letters
5V Togo three letters
5W Samoa three letters
5X Uganda three letters
5Y Kenya three letters
6O Somalia three letters
6V Senegal three letters
6Y Jamaica three letters
7O Yemen three letters
7P Lesotho three letters
7Q Malawi three letters
7T Algeria three letters
8P Barbados three letters
8Q Maldives three letters
8R Guyana three letters
9A Croatia three letters e.g. 9A-ABA
9G Ghana three letters
9H Malta three letters e.g. 9H-AAA
9J Zambia three letters
9K Kuwait three letters
9L Sierra Leone three letters
9M Malaysia three letters
9N Nepal three letters
9Q Congo Kinshasa three letters
9T Congo Kinshasa three letters
9U Burundi three letters
9V Singapore three letters
9XR Rwanda AB
9Y Trinidad & Tobago three letters
A2 Botswana three letters
A2 Botswana three letters
A3 Tonga three letters
A4O Oman AB
A5 Bhutan three letters
A6 United Arab Emirates three letters
A7 Qatar three letters
A8 Liberia three letters
A9C Bahrain AB
AP Pakistan three letters
B China 1234
B Taiwan 12345
B-H Hong Kong AB
BK Kosovo NONE
B-M Macau three letters
C Canada ABCD
C2 Nauru three letters
C3 Andorra three letters
C5 Gambia three letters
C6 Bahamas three letters
C9 Mozambique three letters
CC Chile three letters
CN Morocco three letters
CP Bolivia three letters
CS Portugal three letters e.g. ADC
CU Cuba 1234
CX Uruguay three letters
D Germany D-A more than 20 t MTOW
D-B 14 - 20 t MTOW
D-C 5,7 - 14 t MTOW
D-E single engine plane up to 2 t MTOW
D-F single engine plane between 2 and 5,7 t MTOW
D-G  multiengine planes up to 2 t MTOW
D-H Helicopter
D-I multiengine planes between 2 and 5,7 t MTOW
D-K motor glider
D-L Blimps, Zeppelins
D-M Ultralights up to 472,5 kg MTOW
D-N Ultralight glider
D-O  hot-air ballons
D-1234 Glider 
D2 Angola three letters
D4 Cape Verde Islands three letters
D6 Comoros three letters
DQ Fiji three letters
E3 Eritrea three letters
EC Spain three letters e.g. EC-ABC
EI/EJ Ireland three letters e.g. EI-ABC
EK Armenia up to five arabic numbers
EP Iran three letters
ER Moldova three letters e.g. ER-ABC or five figures e.g. ER-12345
ES Estonia three letters e.g. ES-ABC or four numbers e.g. ES-1234
ET Ethiopia three letters
EW Belarus three letters
EX Kyrgyzstan 12345 or 123
EY Tajikistan 12345
EZ Turkmenistan A123
F France four letters e.g. F-BHZR
F Guadeloupe see France
F Guyane see France
F Martinique see France
F Mayotte see France
F Miquelon see France
F New Caledonia see France
F Polynesia see France
F Reunion see France
F Saint. Barthelemy see France
F Saint-Pierre see France
F Wallis & Futuna see France
G Great Britain four letters e.g. G-BAAA
G Guernsey four letters e.g. G-BAAA
G Jersey four letters e.g. G-BAAA
G (M*) Isle of Man *own registry since 01.05.2007
H4 Solomon Islands three letters
HA Hungary three letters e.g. HA-LEK
HB Liechtenstein see Switzerland
HB Switzerland three letters e.g. HB-ABC; (motor)gliders HB plus up to four figures
HC Ecuador three letters
HH Haiti three letters
HI Dominican Republic 123AB
HK Colombia 1234A
HL Korea South 1234
HP Panama 1234AB
HR Honduras three letters
HS Thailand three letters
HV Vatican three letters
HZ Saudi Arabia ABC or AB1 or AB12 or ABC1
I Italy ABCD
J2 Djibouti three letters
J3 Grenada three letters
J5 Guinea Bissau three letters
J6 St. Lucia three letters
J7 Dominica three letters
J8 St. Vinc.&Grenadines three letters
JA Japan 1234 or 123A or 12AB or A123
JU Mongolia 1234
JY Jordan three letters
LJ Slovenia three letters e.g. S5-ABC; (motor)gliders S5-1234
LN Norway three letters e.g. LN-ABC
LV Argentina three letters
LX Luxembourg three letters
LX Luxemburg three letters e.g. LX-LAA
LY Lithuania three letters e.g. LY-ABC
LZ Bulgaria three letters e.g. LZ-ABC
M Isle of Man  own registry since May 1st 2007, before G-
N Guam see USA
N Northern Mariana Isl. see USA
N Puerto Rico see USA
N USA The following variants are used: N1 - N9 (FAA intern); N1A - N9Z, N1AA - N9ZZ; N10 - N99 (FAA intern); N10A - N99Z, N10AA - N99ZZ, N100 to N999, N100A - N999Z, N100AA - N999ZZ, N1000 - N9999, N1000A - N9999Z, N10000 TO N99999; Older planes often carry regs like NC12345. In the old days a second letter was used after the N: C (Standard), L (Limited), R (Restricted) and X (Experimental). These categories are no longer used sind the 1950s. NC12345 = N12345. The old regs are very often applied to old planes to make them look more authentic.
N Virgin Islands see USA
OB Peru 1234
OD Lebanon three letters
OE Austria 4 figures for (motor) gliders and UL e.g. OE-5321 or 3 letter for other aircraft e.g. OE-ABC
OH Finland three letters e.g. OH-AAA; three/four numbers; UL the letter U and three numbers e.g. OH-U123
OK Czech Republic power driven acft three letters e.g. OK-ABC; non-power-driven and ultralight (UL) acft four figures; UL on the register of the Aeronautical Amateur Association a combination of three letters and two figures
OM Slovakia three letters
OO Belgium three letters e.g. OO-SDN
OY Denmark three letters e.g. OY-ABC; OY-H for helicopter, OY-X for glider, OY-B for hot-air balloons
OY Faroe Islands three letters
OY Greenland three letters e.g. OY-ABC
P Korea North 123
P2 Papua New Guinea three letters
P4 Aruba three letters
PH Netherlands three letters e.g. PH-ABC; (motor)gliders 3-4 figures; microlight aeroplane figure/letter combination
PJ Netherlands Antilles three letters
PK Indonesia three letters
PP Brazil ABC
PR Brazil ABC
PT Brazil ABC
PZ Suriname three letters
RA Russian Federation 12345 or 1234K
RDPL Laos 12345
RF Russian Federation 12345 or 1234K
RP Philippines 1234
S2 Bangladesh three letters
S7 Seychelles three letters
S9 Sao Tome & Principe three letters
SE Sweden three letters e.g. SE-ABC
SP Poland three letters e.g. SP-LKD
ST Sudan three letters
SU Egypt three letters
SU-Y Palestine AB
SX Greece three letters
T2 Tuvalu three letters
T3 Kiribati three letters
T7 San Marino three letters
T8A Palau AB
T9 Bosnia-Herzegovina three letters
TC Northern Cyprus three letters
TC Turkey three letters e.g. ABC
TF Iceland three letters e.g. TF-ABC
TG Guatemala three letters
TI Costa Rica three letters
TJ Cameroon three letters
TL Central African Rep. three letters
TN Congo Brazzavile three letters
TR Gabon three letters
TS Tunisia three letters
TT Chad three letters
TU Ivory Coast three letters
TY Benin three letters
TZ Mali three letters
UK Uzbekistan 12345
UP Kazakhstan 12345
UR Ukraine three letters e.g. UR-GAA or five figures e.g. UR-85700
V2 Antigua & Barbuda three letters
V3 Belize three letters
V4 St. Kitts & Nevis three letters
V5 Namibia three letters
V6 Micronesia three letters
V7 Marshall Islands 1234
V8 Brunei three letters
VH Australia three letters
VH Christmas Island three letters
VH Cocos Islands three letters
VH Kirimati three letters
VH Norfolk & Coreal Sea three letters
VN Vietnam 1234
VP-A Anguilla AB
VP-B Bermuda AB
VP-C Cayman Islands AB
VP-F Falkland Islands AB
VP-G Gibraltar AB
VP-L British Virgin Islands AB
VP-M Montserrat AB
VQ-H Saint Helena AB
VQ-T Turks & Caicos Islan. AB
VT India three letters
XA Mexico three letters
XB Mexico three letters
XC Mexico three letters
XT Burkina Faso three letters
XU Cambodia 123
XY Myanmar three letters
YA Afghanistan three letters
YI Iraq three letters
YJ Vanuatu AB1 or AB12
YK New Zealand three letters
YK Syria three letters
YL Latvia three letters e.g. YL-AAA
YN Nicaragua three letters
YR Romania three letters e.g. YR-IMA
YS El Salvador three letters
YU Montenegro three letters
YU Serbia three letters e.g. YU-ABC; a letter & two figures for gliders & motor kites; two figure & a letter for non-powered aircraft; a letter & three figures for rescue parachutes
YV Venezuela 123
Z Zimbabwe ABCD
Z3 Macedonia three letters e.g. Z3-ABC; (motor)gliders Z3-1234
ZA Albania three letters e.g. ZA-ADE
ZK Cook Islands three letters
ZP Paraguay three letters
ZS South Africa three letters
ZU South Africa three letters

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